Some background and foreground color combinations are difficult to read. Suggestion 5: Watch your Color Combinations
If you use pictures developed by someone other than yourself, be sure to cite the source for the picture somewhere in the slide and provide full source information in the notes section of your slide. Pictures should add to the idea being presented rather than distracting. Don't use art for its own sake - try to tie the picture into the idea you are presenting. They are more visually stimulating and more easily remembered. Pictures can provide the appropriate context for an idea. It is a good idea to sometimes emphasize your points with the use of a graphic object. Suggestion 4: Pictures can be worth a thousand words This allows people to see from the back of the room and limits you to approximately 7 line of text (which helps you to meet the guideline in suggestion 1). See download standard slide templates - your PID and password will be required to download. Virginia Tech provides standard professionally designed slide templates that can help your slides be more engaging but not overwhelming. Be extremely cautious about incorporating animations or sound effects. Don't put anything you are going to say on a slide - the audience is likely to be bored. Rules like this (of course) are made to be broken, but it is a good general principle. Research from Wharton School of Business suggests no more than 4 colors per slide and a minimum spacing of 1/2 inch between items. Try not to clutter a slide with too much text, graphics, or color. Suggestion 2: Less is More (More or less) A good slide guides the viewer towards the essence of an idea, rather than listing of the idea's attributes. A more useful rule of thumb may be no more than 1 idea per slide.

To maximize your effectiveness, consider the following suggestions when designing your slides.Ī popular rule of thumb is no more than 5 (+ /- 2) points on a slide.